About Lawcloud
Lawcloud is an all-in-one workplace tailored to the needs of each individual lawyer, a digital platform for lawyers which substantially optimises their daily operation. Lawcloud provides Software as a Service, thus ensuring that all features are accessible 24/7 from any location without any cumbersome connections. The complete version of Lawcloud is usable on a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer with any operating system (macOS, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, iOS, Android …). All you need is an Internet connection!
100% web-based management platform
Your office no longer requires any local servers and can operate in a fully digital manner. All you need is integrated into our 100% web-based application. As a result, everything is literally just one click away, on any device. Even the most frequently used tools in a law firm, such as Office 365, are seamlessly integrated into Lawcloud. So you just have to log into Lawcloud to access anything you require to carry out your job.
All features are available 24/7! At home, at the office, in court and on the road.
Discover our features
Are you curious about the functionalities which make LawCloud stand out? Discover them here.
Solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency
Our team of engineers is constantly looking for solutions to enhance the overall efficiency within law firms. Knowledge about the sector is linked to the necessary technical know-how to ensure process optimisation. Our approach is well thought out and we add new features to Lawcloud in a targeted manner.
In doing so, we not only develop brand-new features from scratch, but also establish links with familiar applications. You do not need to open different tabs to use these apps as Lawcloud collects them all within a single online ecosystem.
If you want to remain competitive in a digital world as an individual lawyer, you need a platform like Lawcloud.
Lawcloud requires a short learning curve
Lawcloud is available on Mac and Windows computers with iOS or Android software, and positions itself as a user-friendly platform with a short learning curve. This is because we invest considerably in ergonomics, so you can set to work immediately with hardly any training. Of course, we also provide the necessary support in case of questions or problems. Only by getting on the digital train will your law firm remain competitive in today’s digitising and quickly evolving environment.
Good agreements make good friends
If you choose for Lawcloud, you opt for clear pricing.
No unpleasant surprises, you know what to do and what to expect.
Take a look at our pricing
Want to find out more about the transparent prices we charge for Lawcloud? Here you can find all the details.