
Thanks to Lawcloud’s advanced solutions, our administrative burden is now lower than when we worked for major organisations.

Ward LietaertAntwerp

Niche player

After having worked for various major law firms, Jurgen Gevers and I founded Customs Legal in October 2021. Customs Legal is a small, specialised niche firm focusing exclusively on customs and excise law as well as related areas of law.

Lawcloud as the cornerstone of the practical organisation

Initially, we were looking for a simple, affordable and efficient digital solution that would serve as the cornerstone of the firm’s practical organisation, including case management and invoicing. Positive tips from colleagues quickly led us to Lawcloud.

Reducing the administrative burden

Lawcloud significantly reduces the administrative burden of a small organisation. The system makes it possible to manage each case completely digitally from follow-up to invoicing.

As a modern law firm with international clients, we could not afford to work analogously. As a cloud-based application, Lawcloud guarantees direct and easy access to all files from any location at any given time. Thanks to Lawcloud’s advanced solutions, our administrative burden is now lower at Customs Legal than when we worked for major organisations.

Affordable & dynamic

Finally, the low entry costs and competitive subscription formulas also make Lawcloud more financially attractive than any other alternative available on the market. In addition, the weekly updates keep you constantly abreast of the latest developments. In short, Lawcloud has been the ideal solution for us at the right moment.